Introduction to Living Tantra
Discover how to create deeper connection in your life
Saturday 29th March 2025
At St. Michael’s Hall, Bristol
Led by Ed Rooke
This one-day workshop offers an exploration of a deeper awareness of all that happens inside you in response to connection, intimacy and relationship.
We’ll be guiding you to tune into an embodied sense of the pace and space you need, so that you can stay alive in your feelings, your natural desires and discover a whole new level of connection.
We’ll be exploring what it is to truly honour yourself and the others you meet, to express your needs, and to only explore with touch in a way that is fully nourishing for you.
By gently opening with curiosity and acceptance for all that arises within, we will be supporting you to be met and appreciated as you are, so that you can find a relaxed, confident and natural expression of intimacy in all of life.

What to expect on the day…
Watch this Facebook live to find out more ->

The benefits you can get from this workshop are:
A deeper connection with yourself and others
Increased self-confidence
Resensitising to tune into a felt sense of what you need
Knowing your boundaries and learning to voice them
Expressing your needs and wants
Discovering different types of touch
A deeper knowing of the value you bring
Self-love and self-acceptance
About Ed
Believe me, I know what it is like to be stuck, numb and without feeling. And I also know just how empowering it is to find healing, connection and freedom. That is why this work is so important to me.
My journey with this work started young; in my early 20s my emotional blocks led me to be debilitated by a chronic illness. At this age, it seemed like the worst thing; it totally destroyed the life I had. With hindsight, it was the catalyst for transformation into a richness of life I never knew was possible.
As I began to engage on a meditative path, I began to realise that I have a unique sensitivity for tuning into the very subtle on a feeling level. For noticing the places which might otherwise be missed; the lost frozen places within each of us which are ever so faintly crying out for love. And for tuning into the environment and resources that are needed for what has been lost to come home
I have spent many years training extensively with various masters, including Stephen Gilligan, Jan Day and Mateo Tabatabai, as well as more formal training (Doctorate in Psychology, Cert in Hypnotherapy, etc).
My facilitation weaves together aspects of tantra and shadow work to guide people to connect with their natural aliveness and resources, so they can be more fully themselves in all aspects of their life.

Full Price - £85
St. Michael's Hall is located in the centre of Bristol near the Bristol Royal Infirmary.
The address is;Park Lane, (off Perry Road) Bristol BS2 8BE
And you can see a google maps pin here;
Although we do arrange liftshares on our residential workshops, unfortunately we don't offer this for one-day workshops currently.
We suggest bringing:
- a water bottle and a packed lunch, although there are cafes near by;
- a cushion or meditation chair to sit on, if it's easy to bring it with you;
- a pen and notepad or journal.

Do you have other questions that aren’t answered here?
Living Tantra
Living Tantra is a series of sexuality and intimacy workshops that begins with Living Tantra 1. Living Tantra was developed by Jan Day.
The Living Tantra Training offers an opportunity to explore more deeply into the realms of ecstatic loving, sexual intimacy and sacred union so that you can learn to have healthy, satisfying relationships.
For more about Jan Day & Living Tantra