Awakening the Power Within You
Discover The Transformative Power of the Magician Archetype
Next Workshop:
Thursday 5th - Sunday 8th June 2025
Welcome to this unique journey into the transformational potential hidden within your unconscious
This is an opportunity to bring all aspects within into alignment,
To welcome home the parts that have been fighting within you,
so that you direct your energy into creating the life you were always meant to live.
Do you ever get the sense that there is something holding you back?
That with each step forward there is self-sabotage, inner criticism or shame?
Do you ever get stuck in self-doubt;
second guessing your decisions, lacking clarity or feeling powerless to the greater forces that surround you?
This workshop is for any man who would like to access the full potential of the power within them.
To discover a deep trust and acceptance in themselves and the world around them.
To let go of the struggle and step into a place where the creation of your life can flow

The Magician Archetype
Often this archetype can be viewed in a negative light and it’s full potential is missed. But it is the magician parts within us that are the gatekeepers of shadow. They are responsible for the way we control and shape ourselves. They hold back the aspects within us that ‘need’ to be repressed. They rule which of our vital energies need to be shut down, so that we can be the way we think we should be on a deeply unconscious level.
'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.' - C.G. Jung
I am continually amazed at the brilliance with which this archetype can deceive; I see it in men on my workshops, I see it in myself. The Magician mind can hide our most obvious patterns in plain sight, he can sabotage so gently that we don’t even notice going back to compulsive patterns. He can weave myths and stories; have us believe the most incredible things without any evidence, continually bringing our attention to what fits with the delusion he wishes to maintain. In a split second, he can generate a mist of confusion so powerful that we forget our words mid-sentence.
Consider for one moment; how would it be if this arsenal of skills was available to use at will in your life?
For most of us, it is the opposite. Often, when we take a step towards what our heart most yearns for, our Magician will find a cunning way to keep us small, held back and in the familiar world of our own neurosis. And so for many of us a fight develops as we attempt to keep our magicians at bay.
But it is difficult to fight someone who by definition you cannot see. And the Magician even has the power to control what we see. It is he who shapes the lenses to project images from a painful past onto the world around us, so the world seems somehow threatening. The truth is that most of the time we are not even aware of what is real and what is the fiction created by our Magician.
Before we go beyond these energies, we must give them their due. We must become familiar with the intelligence of the Magician patterns we developed and how their origins lie in attempt to keep us safe. It is only when we become intimate with these parts of ourselves and open our hearts to them, so that the soft animal of the body can begin to relax, that integration begins. When our loyal soldiers know on a deep level that the war is over and they really will be welcomed home.
Then we start to see what true magic is, and that all along a part of us is an immensely powerful Magician; a shaman who is capable of insight, shapeshifting, transformation and manifestation. It is just that he has been busy working against a threat that is no longer present.
With your Magician at your side, you have the power of a visionary; to deconstruct or see the insight with a flash of inspiration, so that you know the exact sweet spot that will yield your intention. With a calm rested mind, you can be be aware of exactly what is needed and re-perceive stuck places. Moreover, your Magician holds the exact key to transformation; not the kind that involves hours of therapy, or sitting watching your breath for weeks, but a very direct realisation of your own wholeness.
He is, after all, the one within you who decided to lock away whatever natural life energies you are missing in shadow.
Who are you
beyond ideas & stories ?
What you will receive
The long weekend offers an essential place out of your everyday life in which you can discover what is under the surface.
Learn how to access energy and power that has been lost in your shadow.
Become conscious of the inner process of self-shaming so that you can regain your natural self-confidence.
Develop the profound safety and trust needed to relax the inner struggle which unconsciously regenerates many problems.
Understanding and releasing the roots of self-sabotage.
Discovering your true value and soul calling, beyond ideas of who you ‘should’ be.
Accessing the wisdom, clarity and resources of your unconscious mind.
Adam’s Experience

Are you ready to join us?
About Ed
I have got to know the magician in me intimately. For many years he rendered me stuck, numb and without feeling: My journey with this work started young; in my early 20’s my emotional blocks led me to be debilitated by a chronic illness. At this age, it seemed like the worst thing; it totally destroyed the life I had.
But with help I was able to begin to see and hold space for the struggle within me, and the sophistication of my unhelpful patterns began to transform and support my growth. With hindsight, my difficulties were the catalyst for transformation into a richness of life I never knew was possible.
As I began to engage on a meditative path, I began to realise that I have a unique sensitivity for tuning into the very subtle on a feeling level. For noticing the places which might otherwise be missed; the lost frozen places within each of us which are ever so faintly crying out for love. And for tuning into the environment and resources that are needed for what has been lost to come home
I have spent many years training extensively with various masters, including Stephen Gilligan, Jan Day and Mateo Tabatabai, as well as more formal training (Doctorate in Psychology, Cert in Hypnotherapy, etc).
My facilitation weaves together aspects of tantra and shadow work to guide people to connect with their natural aliveness and resources, so they can be more fully themselves in all aspects of their life.

The Venue
Eden Rise, a beautiful retreat centre, just two miles from Totnes in south Devon, on the edge of Dartmoor. With a direct train connection to London the journey time is less than three hours.
Accommodation options
Standard accommodation is in dorms, some upgrades are available to twin or single accommodation. A discount is also available for those who wish to stay in a camper van.
We have a fantastic menu of vegetarian meals prepared by our own chef and a buffet breakfast. Where possible our produce is locally sourced and mostly organic.
Gluten free and vegan options are available free of charge, and other supplementary diets can usually be catered for on request.
Fruit, tea and other snacks are available in break times throughout the day.
Arrival Time : Thursday at 5.30 pm, with dinner at 6pm, evening session at 7 pm
Finish Time : Sunday, 4pm Finish
A typical day
7.30 Active Meditation
8.30 Breakfast
10.00 Morning Session
13.00 Lunch Break
14.30 Afternoon Session
18.30 Dinner Break
20.00 Evening Session
22.00 Finish

Cost: £350-£1250
This fee includes ;
1. The standard food and accommodation cost of £260 (upgrades available)
2. The tuition cost which is on a sliding scale from £90 to £990
according to your income and financial resources.
- Upper tier places subsidise lower tier prices in order to make the workshop more accessible for all.
- A limited number of lower tier places are available for those who need them, these are only available in the first stages of booking;
Lowest tier Places; £350-£460 (including F&A) available until 18/12/24
Lower tier Places; £460-£570 (including F&A) available until 18/1/25
Middle and Upper tier places are available until they sell out
Payment plans are available if you need to spread the cost - please contact us for more information
(For more information on pricing please see the FAQs section below)
How to Register
Step 1
Pay your a deposit of £120 to reserve your place .
Step 2
After paying your deposit you will be asked to fill out a Confidential Questionnaire. This must be completed within 7 days to secure your place.
You will also receive an invoice for the balance which can be paid at anytime between now and 30 days before the workshop.
Step 3
Your place will be confirmed once the Confidential Questionnaire has been received.
In the unlikely event that during the application process, you or we feel the course is not a good match at the moment, we will refund you in full within 3 days.

Are you ready to open to the incredible potential hidden within you?
We offer an environment where you can discover the life force that was shut down
I recognise that this can be a difficult decision. I suggest considering what your financial circumstances and finding a fee that honours you right now.
I intentionally offer a sliding scale to make my work accessible to all; higher payments subsidise lower payments. The lowest tier prices are intended for those on low/no income without any savings. For comparison of mid/high tiers, the full cost of a 3-day Living Tantra workshops costs around £720 (including F&A), where as men’s weekends are often priced around £750 for a Friday-Sunday workshop (one day shorter).
No, the lowest tier prices are intended for those who need them. However, I have included a time limit on the availability of these places.
On the booking page there is an option to request a lift, offer a lift or to share a taxi. We create a lift share sheet from anyone who requests this which will be release to all participants a few weeks before the workshop.
For the work we are doing, it is essential that all participants stay on site. This allows the time and space to discover, strengthen and develop your Sovereign Energy, both individually and as a group. We also have a very full programme!
Arriving at 5.30pm gives you time to be welcomed, to check in and to settle into your accommodation before dinner.
We ask for your accommodation preferences on the page where you reserve your place - the sooner you book, the more likely it is that you get your first choice. We try hard for everyone to get their first choice, however it can't be guaranteed.