Advanced Sexual Empowerment
Embody your full capacity as a man
Next Course Starts:
Date To Be Confirmed
(Please click the button below if you would like to add your name to the waiting list of men who have preregistered for the next course)
Would you like a deeper connection with your sexuality?
Welcome to this unique programme that offers a very unique way to connect with your full sexual potential in a confident and relaxed way.
The focus of this course is not on developing the control to do special techniques, or trying to make love the ‘right’ way. Instead we work with the layers of emotional constriction which keep the innate power and innocence of your sexual nature buried.
A carefully orchestrated sequence of sexual meditations will guide you into a deeper connection with the physicality of your sexual energy. Alongside this, we will be doing the emotional process work needed to release the unconscious patterns that constrain your sexual expression. These two aspects work together to connect you with an embodied sense of your full sexual capacity.
Introducing A.S.E.
You might have an intuitive sense that there is more for you within the realm of sexuality but you somehow can’t access it. The material that is out there seems confusing and it’s frustrating because you are ready to make this journey.
Or maybe you see your sexuality leaking out sideways, driving compulsive behaviours, obsessive fantasies or addictions.
This work offers a way to bring that energy out of shadow, to enjoy an easeful expression of your sexuality without constriction. Imagine no longer worrying about performance, trying to get something from another, or needing an orgasm to discharge. Imagine being free of the fear that you might act out in compulsive patterns or infidelity, and most importantly, free of the subtle shame that limits us.
That expression might take the form of new powerful sexual experiences and incredible love making. And being open and rooted in these lower centres will also impact your relationship to so many other aspects of life: to creativity, to money, to work, to self-esteem and to relationship.
In the Advanced Sexual Empowerment (A.S.E.) programme, I have combined more traditional techniques and knowledge with the latest approaches in psychosexual therapy to create a 12-week online course that facilitates men to safely, directly and enjoyably open to their full sexual capacity using individual practice.

Past participants’ experiences
Nick’s Experience
Joe’s Experience

The Practices
“The practices Ed has put together are almost supernatural, they very much get under the skin and rearranged my relationship to myself and my body in very positive ways.”
Each week you will be given a guided solo practice to explore in your own private space between each group session. The progression of these tailor made exercises will guide you to work with sexual energy in an energetic, emotional and meditative way.
Ian’s experience of the practices

My personal Journey
Of course my interest in offering this work comes in part from my own similar experience and frustrations; this is the exact programme I would have loved to have come across years ago!
I started my explorations with ejaculation control when I was a teenager. I certainly didn’t know what I was doing or have words to describe it, but I discovered that by hanging out on that point before orgasm I could prolong the pleasurable sensations. Naturally, I was very excited when, years later, I came across Mantak Chia’s teachings on Taoist sexuality. I found these really helpful in making sense of my sexual energy and of what I was already doing with it. But I was still dissatisfied.
There was a huge disparity between my emotional and spiritual development and the ‘teenaged’ way I related to sex. My explorations in Tantra had gone a long way to healing this split between sex and heart; it really changed both my love making and relating with a partner. However, there was still a gap between my self-pleasuring experiences and the emotional opening of the energetic body I was experiencing in tantric/meditative practice.
Moreover, I was getting to experience so many rich tools being used in mediation, Tantra, shadow work, psychotherapy, process work and hypnotherapy that were not being applied to men’s individual sexual awakening.
I see now that one of the problems with some of the techniques I used for ‘ejaculation control’ were that they treated sexuality like it’s something we can gain ‘mastery’ over using determination, will or ‘squeeze techniques’. Through Tantric work I saw the opposite; that my control of my sexuality was more the problem rather than the solution. No matter how good our intentions for healing or transformation, any technique runs the risk of putting another layer of ‘doing’ on top, which just adds extra work and extra tension.
Things started to change for me when I took away the pressure of trying to get somewhere and became curious about the subtleties of what was already happening. As I made friends with my unconscious judgements, emotions and constrictions that were limiting my capacity, the soft animal of my body began to feel safe enough to relax and let go. With this, new experiences naturally started to flow, opening me to a more confident, powerful and joyful experience of myself, both in intimacy and life in general.
I could not have imagined the transformation possible or known the importance of what was missing until I began to welcome it home. I hear the same from many others, which is why I see such value in this work. By coming home to ourselves on all levels, we can discover the resources we need to feel rooted, relaxed and safe; so that we can calmly and confidently rest in the intensity of sensual aliveness that is our birth right.
In this programme, you will not find any ‘squeeze techniques’. Instead, you will be encouraged to slow down and get curious about what is happening as you explore the practices. We will work with relaxation, focus, absorption, breath, sounding, movement, ceremony and self-touch to help you let go and tune into an awareness of the subtle energy in your body. This way you can naturally begin to notice where in your body you are blocked; emotionally, energetically and sexually. In addition to physical explorations, we will work with tools to transform your relationship to your psychosexual landscape, which in turn will allow these energies to flow.

Course Components
Guided Solo Practices
Each week, you will be given a guided solo practice to explore in your own private space between each group session. These tailor made exercises will guide you to work with sexual energy in an energetic, emotional and meditative way, using a combination of techniques from Meditation, Tibetan yoga, Hypnotherapy, Pranayama, Qi-Gong, Yoga Nidra, Taoist Practices, Tantra, Polyvagal theory and Shadow work.
Group Calls
Each week, we will meet for 2 hours in our virtual circle, using Zoom video conferencing. This will give you an opportunity to share questions, challenges and insights from the previous weeks practice with a like-minded group of men on the same journey. Within the same session, I will introduce the theme for the week as well as concepts that may be supportive in the practice, and respond to any questions or blocks.
You will be part of online group in which you can share your challenges, successes and insights. If you need support or have a question at any point during the programme, you can post it here and I will respond. I will leave useful comments and short videos that will help you with the week’s topic. I will also be posting some additional ‘Bonus Practices’ for those who wish to take their practice deeper.
Buddy Calls
You will be paired with another man for the duration of the course for additional support. The frequency and method of contact is for you to choose. Most men in the last cohort organised weekly calls.

What do men get from this course?
Dan’s Experience
Joe’s Experience
Ians Experience

Are you ready to make the journey in to your sexual awakening?
Next Course starts;
To Be Confirmed
(Please click the button below if you would like to add your name to the waiting list of men who have preregistered for the next course)
How to apply
Click the button below and fill out the application form
I will be in touch when booking opens, around 2 months before the workshop, to discuss whether the programme is a good fit for you
If you application is accepted, you will then be given a booking link to confirm your place
Those who are accepted on the programme will be part of a small closed group for the duration of the course
£400 - £1200
(With 2 lower cost concessionary places still available)
Payment is on a sliding scale according to income and ability to pay. I invite you to assess which payment is appropriate for you at this time.
If you are eager to do this course but are unable to afford these prices, please contact me and we can discuss a way to make this possible.

Are you ready to embrace the full potential within your sexual nature?
We offer a space where you can finally open up to your innocence and power.
More about your facilitator
Believe me, I know what it is like to be stuck, numb and without feeling. And I also know just how empowering it is to find healing, connection and freedom. That is why this work is so important to me.
My journey with this work started young; in my early 20’s my emotional blocks led me to be debilitated by a chronic illness. At this age, it seemed like the worst thing; it totally destroyed the life I had. With hindsight, it was the catalyst for transformation into a richness of life I never knew was possible.
As I began to engage on a meditative path, I began to realise that I have a unique sensitivity for tuning into the very subtle on a feeling level. For noticing the places which might otherwise be missed; the lost frozen places within each of us which are ever so faintly crying out for love. And for tuning into the environment and resources that are needed for what has been lost to come home.
I have spent many years training extensively with various masters, including Stephen Gilligan, Jan Day and Mateo Tabatabai, as well as more formal training (Doctorate in Psychology, Cert in Hypnotherapy, etc).
My facilitation weaves together aspects of tantra and shadow work to guide people to connect with their natural aliveness and resources, so they can be more fully themselves in all aspects of their life.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a prerequisite? I’ve never done meditation or any king of therapeutic works. Is this course suitable for me?
There is not a specific course requirement, and you may still be able to join if you have not worked with me before. However, to ensure all participants benefit from what is offered I ask that they have explored some king of therapeutic work, men’s work or meditative practice. If you are unsure whether that’s you, please do get in touch.
Could you offer me guidance on how much I should pay?
I intentionally offer a sliding scale to make my work accessible to all; higher payments subsidise lower payments and concessions. The invitation is to consider your financial circumstances and decide what amount honours you right now.
I feel completely numb. I think something is wrong down there?
It is extremely common amongst men to experience a loss of sensation and connection to sexuality. However, the absence of feeling can be overcome by slowly resensitising to these areas. It’s like building up a new neural pathway which does takes time, but you are not broken.
Will this programme help me stop watching porn?
The programme works with compulsive sexual behaviours indirectly by helping you to find more healthy expressions of your sexual energy. Depending on your situation it may also be useful to work with groups that focus specifically on cessation of the habit, which is not the primary focus of this course. In ASE you will be supported to remove the layers of shame and practicing sexual meditations as a way to bring the energy that has been leaking out in compulsions into a more wholesome expression of your life force energy.
How do concessions work?
Concessionary places are subsidised by men who are able to pay a higher fee on the sliding scale. If you know you want to come on this workshop and the lower tier price is not affordable for you, please send me an email and we can discuss whether there is a way to make this possible.
I’d like to do the course but won’t have time to fit in the practices, is that okay?
No, the personal practices are an integral part of the course. They help to build up a felt sense of the genitals which is essential to do the emotional work. The practice feed into and are necessary to take full part in the process work in the group sessions. There really isn’t much point in spending money on the group if you don’t have time to engage with the practices.