About Me
I am passionate about helping people fully connect with their own unique way of being in the relationships and the intimacy they long for. I've always been very sensitive to the hidden and unexpressed parts of peoples' natures. I care deeply about helping people to welcome home these lost parts so that they can open to the joy of being completely themselves.
An awareness of my own unconscious became fundamental to me fifteen years ago during my recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Through deeply listening to the sensations in my body, I began to open to, and release, the emotional blocks that were keeping me stuck in my illness. Not only did I feel well again, but something had shifted that made me feel more myself. My life was more connected and richer than it had ever been before my illness.
Since this experience I have been fascinated by the transformation that can occur through opening to the emotional depths within us. I have engaged deeply with meditative practices and a wide range of therapeutic techniques, which have opened me to both challenging and wonderful aspects within myself.
A familiarity with my own unconscious patterns and emotional depths has given me a natural capacity to guide others through this territory. Over the years, I have helped innumerable people and become fascinated by how deep emotional change can be facilitated.
After completing my doctorate in Psychology, I trained in Hypnotherapy, Generative Trance, Generative Coaching, Shadow Work and The School of Being. Above all, the way I work has been influenced by extensive training and assisting with relationship expert Jan Day. I am a 'School of Being' teacher and continue to assist and facilitate on Jan's workshops. I am part way through training as a Voice Dialogue practitioner.
Currently, I live in Somerset where I offer one-on-one coaching and a range of workshops focused on creating greater connection; both with those around you and with the unique being that you are.
I am passionate about supporting people to move towards what they want most in their lives by reconnecting them with the unconscious resources trapped within lost parts of themselves. In this way, I support and encourage people to make the journeys they need to make to become more fully themselves and live the lives they dream of.
Psychology PhD UoB
Generative Coaching IAGC (ICF Accredited Course)
Basic Generative Trance IAGC
Advanced Generative Trance IAGC
Hypnotherapy Cert. Hyp. PLRA
Shadow Work BFT Shadow Work
School of Being Teacher Living Tantra